一直以来,茶叶就是市场上的主流消费品,根据大家饮茶的爱好的不同,茶叶也是具有多种分类。或许有些消费群体认为,袋泡茶就是低端的产品,根本无法成为茶消费行业的主角,然而如今的茶消费现实却不是这样的。袋泡茶作为一种便捷、方便的茶饮品类型,就受到了很多茶消费者的认可。for a long time, tea is the mainstream consumer products on the market, according to different people drink tea hobby, the tea is also has a variety of classification. perhaps some consumer groups think that tea bag is the low-end products, could not become the protagonist of tea consumption industry, but now the tea consumption reality is not the case. tea bag, as a kind of convenient, convenient type of tea drinks, is recognized by a lot of tea.
与市场上的散装茶叶相比,袋泡茶凭借其方便快捷的特性,受到很多都市白领群体的青睐。为满足大家不断提升的茶消费要求,各个茶叶制作厂家都是不断研究,那些新型的花果类的袋泡茶,也是走进了大家的生活。根据茶饮用需要的不同,大家可选择相应类型的产品。随着大家生活工作节奏的加速,这些袋泡茶也是受到消费者的认可。不断提升的茶消费需要,就会该行业发展提供了巨大的空间。compared with the bulk tea on the market, tea bag, with its convenient features, get the favour of many urban white-collar group. to meet the requirements of people growing tea consumption, each tea production manufacturer is researched, the new type of the class of tea bag, also went into people's lives. according to the need of tea drinking is different, you can choose the corresponding types of products. with the acceleration of people work life rhythm, the tea bag is also recognized by consumers. growing tea consumption needs, will be the industry development provides a great space.
用沸水冲泡花茶、红茶、绿茶,经3分钟以后,第一次就能溶出可溶物总量的55%左右。第二次冲泡约为30%。第三次冲泡为10%左右。第4次冲泡只有 1%—3%。从茶叶含有的维生素和氨基酸被溶出的情况来看,在第一次冲泡时就有80%被浸出;第2次冲泡时浸出率达到95%以上;茶叶含的其它有效成分如茶多酚、咖啡碱等也大都如此,茶叶经过多次冲泡还能使一些难溶性有害物质如某些极微量的残留农药等会逐渐被浸出。with boiling water scented tea, black tea, green tea, after 3 minutes later, the first time can dissolve out about 55% of the total soluble matter. the second brew is about 30%. the third brew is approximately 10%. fourth: only 1% - 3%. from tea contains vitamins and amino acids by dissolution, brew is 80% for the first time by leaching; second brew leaching rate of 95% or more; tea contains other active ingredients such as tea polyphenols, caffeine and so, after many brewing tea can also make some difficult soluble harmful substances such as some trace amounts of residual pesticides gradually by leaching.
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