全国服务热线 18007550592


发布时间: 2017-03-24 20:07 更新时间: 2017-03-24 20:07

为了适应现代人快节奏的生活方式,茶也跟着与时俱进了。你以为喝茶只能端坐一方,花一大把的时间耗在烧水、洗茶上吗?其实,为了让忙碌的人们可以品到茶味,商家们也是绞尽了脑汁,才研发出了速溶茶和袋泡茶。想必大家对这两款茶都不陌生,它们为我们繁忙的工作与生活增加了茶味。那么,速溶茶与袋泡茶又有什么区别呢?in order to adapt to the fast pace of modern life style, tea also follow to keep pace with the times. do you think tea can only sits on one side, spend a lot of time consumption in boiling water, xicha? in fact, in order to let the busy people can taste the tea, merchants also racked his brain, developed instant tea and tea bag. everybody is no stranger to the two tea, they are for our busy work and life increased the tea. so, instant tea with tea bag and what's the difference?
就国内而言,速溶茶主要有速溶红茶、速溶绿茶、速溶保健茶,还有未经过干燥的浓缩茶汁,比如乌龙茶浓缩汁等。速溶茶携带方便,冲泡简单,一般是以成品茶、半成品茶、茶叶副产品或鲜茶叶为原料,通过提取、过滤、浓缩、干燥等工艺,加工成容易溶于水的颗粒状或者粉状的食品。袋泡茶的制作流程与速溶茶截然不同,它是在茶叶经过初步制作后,筛选出细小的碎叶作为袋泡茶的原料,再将其经过装内袋、外袋、封袋、标签等方式包装而成。in terms of domestic, instant tea mainly have instant black tea, instant tea, instant health tea, and without dry concentrated tea juice, such as oolong tea concentrate, etc. bubble instant tea easy to carry, simple, general is brewed tea, semi-finished products, tea, tea by-product or fresh tea leaves as raw materials, through extraction, filtration, concentration, drying process, processed into easy to dissolve in water of granular or powder food. tea bag production process and the instant tea is very different, it is in the tea after initial production, select small crushed leaves as raw materials of tea bag, it after installed inside the bag, the bag, seal bag packing, label, etc.
相比于袋泡茶而言,速溶茶的农药残留较小。在包装、茶叶形状、口感方面,两者皆有不同。在冲泡方法上,速溶茶与袋泡茶也是不一样的。冲泡时,速溶茶需褪去里外包装,将茶叶颗粒倒入茶杯中,再冲入开水;而袋泡茶则是将装有茶叶的网状袋子置于茶杯底部,而后冲入开水即可,需注意的是袋泡茶不可浸泡太久,否则茶水易变苦变浓。compared to the tea bag, instant tea pesticide residues is smaller. in terms of packaging, tea shape, texture, both are different. on the brewing method, instant tea and tea bag also is not the same. brew, instant tea need to shed inside and outside packaging, add tea particles into the cup, then pour into; the tea bag is put a mesh bag containing tea at the bottom of the cup, then pour into, note that tea bag not soak for too long, otherwise easy become bitter tea.


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