全国服务热线 18007550592


发布时间: 2017-05-23 06:27 更新时间: 2017-05-23 06:27

下面宇笙包装机械给大家分享全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机维修保养如下The following yu sheng packaging machinery to share fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packaging machine maintenance is as follows:
1、当全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机的滚筒在工作中发生前后窜动,请调校前轴承卒上的M10螺钉到适当位置。若齿轮轴发生窜动,请调校轴承架后面M10螺钉到适当位置,调整间隙以轴承不发生响声,手转皮带轮,松紧适当为宜,过紧或过松均能使全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机发生损坏的可能。when fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packing machine roller in work occurred before and after the move, please adjust front bearing pawn M10 screws on to the appropriate location. If the gear shaft moving, please adjustment bracket M10 screw back to the appropriate location and adjust the clearance to the bearing noise does not occur, hand belt pulley, elastic appropriate advisable, too tight or too loose all can make automatic tea packing machine, tea bag packing machine, the possibility of damage drinks tea packing machine.
2、如果全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机停用时间较长,必须将全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机全身揩擦清洁,机件的光面涂上防锈油,用布蓬罩好。If fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packing machine stop using for a long time, and must be fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packing machine wipe and clean the whole body, parts of smooth surface coated with anti-rust oil, cloth canopy hood.
3、定期检查全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机的机件,每月进行一次,检查蜗轮,蜗杆,润滑块上的螺栓,轴承等活动部分是否转动灵活和磨损情况,发现缺陷应及时修复,不得勉强使用。Regularly check automatic tea packing machine, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packaging machine parts, to every month, check the worm gear, worm, lubrication on the bolt, bearings and other activities whether some flexible rotation and wear situation, found that defects should be timely repair, shall not be used.
4、全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机使用完毕后或停止时,应取出旋转滚筒进行清洗和刷清斗内剩余粉子,然后装妥,为全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机下次使用做好准备工作。Fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packing machine or stop, after using rotating cylinder should be removed in cleaning and clearing the remaining FenZi inside bucket, then pretend to, for fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packaging machine use prepare next time.
5、全自动茶叶包装机、袋泡茶包装机、饮品茶包装机应放在干燥清洁的室内使用,不得在大气中含有酸类以及其他对机体有腐蚀性的气体流通的场所使用。Fully automatic packaging machine of tea, tea bag packing machine, drink tea packing machine should be placed in dry cleaning of indoor use, shall not be in the atmosphere contain acids and other places on the body of corrosive gas circulation use.
宇捷包装机械是自动化、智能化包装综合解决方案的提供商!是集茶叶包装机械研发、生产、销售及服务于一体的专业化公司。公司主要产品及服务有:茶叶包装机械、三角袋茶叶包装机,茶叶包装机,红茶包装机,绿茶包装机,黑茶包装机,黄茶包装机,白茶包装机,乌龙茶包装机,袋泡茶包装机,内外袋袋泡茶包装机,袋中袋袋泡茶包装机,内外袋包装机,袋中袋包装机,养生茶包装机,花茶包装机,花草茶包装机,菊花茶包装机,茉莉花茶包装机, 玫瑰花茶包装机, 养肝茶包装机,中药茶包装机,八宝茶包装机,袋用茶包装机,代用茶包装机,尼龙三角茶包包装机,三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角袋袋泡茶包装机,时尚立体茶包包装机,立体三角茶包包装机, 尼龙三角袋茶叶包装机,尼龙三角包包装机,尼龙三角包袋泡茶包装机,食品包装机,面包包装机,蜜饯包装机,炒货包装机,坚果包装机,瓜子包装机,花生包装机,全自动包装机,给袋式包装机,茶叶杀青机,茶叶揉捻机,茶叶烘焙提香机,纸箱专用喷码机,喷码机,手持式喷码机,掌上型喷码机,纸箱喷码机,高解析喷码机,热转印打码机,TTO热转印打码机,墨轮打码机,色带 打码机,封箱机,自动封箱机,全自动封箱机,全自动封箱打包机,自动打包机,打包机,以及茶叶过滤纸,袋泡茶过滤纸,挂耳咖啡过滤纸,墨轮,色带,字钉等耗材。


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